Oculus Quest version

Originally, this game designed to be played on Oculus Quest. Playing with wires is not so comfortable. But Epic MegaJam was approaching the deadline and the game had to be submitted. And when I ran my first test on the Oculus Quest, I saw terrible render bugs. I tried to fix this for several hours, but there was no solution.

Today I figured out what is causing this error and fix it. Also fix some problems in leaderboard. And now the Oculus Quest version is available for download!

Some notes about original problem

Room in this game modelled in real world scale, but VR meter scaled down 5 times (1 real meter = 5 VR meters) to make you feel like a small creature in a big world. Unreal Engine 4 has a setting for this: World Setting window, World to Meters.

This scaling produces a problem: in-game hands are no longer displayed. At first I thought that they were not displayed due to the near clipping plane and reduced its value to 0.001. It does not help. It turned out that the original VR template code was not designed for changing the world scale and had to be fixed. But the Near Clip Plane value was still 0.001.

On PC everything was fine, but on Quest this value causes huge problems with z-fighting. It looks like 0.0001 / Near Clip Plane is the distance at which a triangles starts z-fighting.


Curse Of Jumper - Oculus Quest 60 MB
Jan 29, 2021
Curse Of Jumper - Oculus & SteamVR for Windows 64-bit 59 MB
Jan 29, 2021

Get Curse of Jumper

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